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So it appears Microsoft, GitHub (so M$, twice) and OpenAI are being sued for violating copyright law by reproducing open-source code using AI (GitHub Copilot) without attribution and such.

What do you think about this lawsuit?

Personally, while I do think attribution should be there, they are making too big of a fuzz about it, considering those same people probably got their code from SO or something...

Best Twitter alternative: Dwitter.

It's like Twitter, but you can only post JavaScript canvas.

This one is for all the new people on #Mastodon: did you know that the #fediverse has more than just a microblogging replacement? And that they can all interoperate with your Mastodon account?

Check them out!

Facebook replacement: Friendica
Instagram replacement: Pixelfed
YouTube replacement: PeerTube
Spotify replacement: Funkwhale
MeetUp replacement: Mobilizon
Reddit replacement: Lemmy
Podcasting replacement: Castopod
GoodReads replacement: BookWyrm

content warnings meta 

hey new peeps from twitter who're makin a big fuss about content warnings

y'know how the saying goes

"when in rome, disregard local customs and force the romans to do as you do"


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Thank you to my 800+ new followers. The fact that my viral Tweet gained me more followers here than there speaks volumes!

I plan to follow a lot of you back, but I have a lot of profiles to review through before I do that.

Lotta talk about replacing Twitter.

The better dialogue is how to get people to re-evaluate how they engage with the internet.

Personally, I'm convinced of two things:

- You can't 1:1 replace Twitter unless it's a similar top-down walled garden.

- Most people probably shouldn't want a Twitter replacement, since Twitter is bad for us.

Instead of finding/molding/creating a replacement, we should encourage people (and ourselves!) to focus on what they like most about internet interaction.

I've made a deliberate choice against a quoting feature because it inevitably adds toxicity to people's behaviours. You are tempted to quote when you should be replying, and so you speak at your audience instead of with the person you are talking to. It becomes performative. Even when doing it for "good" like ridiculing awful comments, you are giving awful comments more eyeballs that way. No quote toots. Thank's

American Christians can be the most unchristian people. This is a Baptist church in my neighborhood.

Jesus didn't hate the poor, and neither should you.

There is way too large an overlap between people who say "I refuse to live my life in fear" and people who carry a gun everywhere they go because they're convinced people want to kill them.

My site is powered by data offered up by

An excellent resource if you're interested in this flavor of retro computing.

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I've gained 400+ followers in a day because I went viral on the birdsite, and if anything, I hope I encouraged people to Google "demoscene" after reading my bio.

For a crash course, I'll shamelessly plug my own Demoscene website:

People have asked why I don't just join an existing instance instead of running my own.

C'mon. Look at my domainhack. I pretty much had to.

Folks on the birdsite are going wild after I shared this absolutely legendary response to a Nazi by @Gargron

I'll take this guy over Musk any day!

I see quite a lot of #Science posts expressing concern if The Public will follow their authors' #TwitterMigration over on here.

Here's the thing: they don't even have to. Every #Mastodon account has an #RSS feed. For example, here's mine:

Every hashtag has an RSS feed as well (as seen from a given instance), for example:

Your audiences can follow you without ever setting up an account on fedi, with any RSS reader.

@thegibson "I don't even see the code. All I see is enby, furry, Hackers movie reference."

I have something terrible to admit. On my work computer, I have officially switched to Microsoft Edge...

I know, I know... I tried out the Vertical Tabs, and now I can't go back. Once Chrome does this though, I'll probably go back.

Getting a PoS cash drawer delivered monthly via Amazon subscription.

heyyo, are you interested in learning the secret silent art of video editing, but don't know where to begin?

check out my "video editing for newbies" guide!!!

all the software i talk about in this guide is free and open source

it costs nothing to get started, except the amount of energy it takes to read the guide and do the stuff

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Mastodon (

This is the Vranas instance.