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@ahorsewearsajortsofcourse MoPOP is a consistently excellent experience. I maintained a membership from back when it was called the Experience Music Project (EMP) and only lapsed during the pandemic.

One of the few tourist spots that I enjoy coming back to repeatedly as a local.

I used to be an annual pass member at Seattle's Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP), and one of the perks was getting to skip ahead of the general admission line for day passes.

Showed up one day to see a new exhibit, and got assaulted by a Karen who was absolutely furious that I "skipped her and her whole family" in the general admission line.

She got escorted away by security in front of her family, and I got a bunch of free shit.

10/10, would skip in line again. Renewing next time I go.

Sad film about a dog. 

Do you have 11 minutes to spare, and don't mind sobbing?

Check this out:

Okay, some notes since I didn't test this exhaustively before I posted about it:

The filter above works pretty well, but I found it to be a bit more effective to fitler "RT" without the "@", and the also filter "", which will also filter any link to Twitter.

But if you're here to get away from Twitter, that should really do the trick.

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@ameliashowalter I am discovering that this isn't a perfect solution, but I'm working on improving the formula.

Seems not to work when you use the app...

Better than nothing tho.

The first black child ever allowed to attend a white school is only 68 years old now.
White parents pulled their children from school. White teachers refused to teach her.
Ruby Bridges now works as an activist & public speaker
This wasn’t a million years ago. /1

This feels appropriate for the second thing I've ever posted to mastodon.

Shamelessly plugging my own site now, where you can generate 50-video YouTube playlists of Demoscene content, sorted by type, including 4k and 64k:

I'll keep updating this thread in the future with more of my favorites. Might start a separate Wild thread too.

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And now let's watch something 16x smaller. A 4 kilobyte demo: The vanishing of Ashlar by NuSan

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@noracodes I can agree with that sentiment a great deal. Knowing what LDS supports and still tithing is hard not to see as providing material support for hate.

Religion can be a difficult pill to swallow. I try to remember that tithing to Mormons is as mandatory as paying taxes to the state for its members, and doesn't equal endorsement, much in the same way that me paying my taxes doesn't equal endorsement of what the U.S. Military does.

This entire animation is contained in a 64 kilobyte EXE file. Everything you see and hear is constrained to 64k!

You can run it on your own computer!

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I really need to talk about Demoscene more. I'm not much of a creator, but I love Demoparties and Compos.

Starting a thread about my two favorite categories: 4k and 64k.

These are computer programs that are restricted to a maximum file size (in kilobytes!), but must also remain graphically impressive.

Let's start with a crowd pleaser: the timeless by Mercury.

mass shooting related, hostility towards mormons 

@noracodes Not of defense of the LDS, their response to this tragedy is sickening, but I have met many Mormons that do not have views that match the church.

I don't understand the belief system, but I have learned to suspend judgment of individuals, having met devout Mormons who have remained outspoken against where they think the church has gone wrong, especially in regards to LGBTQ+ issues.

There's lots of Twitter users that have migrated here recently, and a good chunk of them have discovered the Mastodon Twitter Crossposter, which means your timeline is probably littered with sloppy looking retweets.

And you can rid yourself of them with this one simple filter:

I absolutely love this MODERNS music video animated by Peter Corina. It blows my mind that an artist that pumps out so many bangers remains relatively unknown.

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