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One thing I will say is that a lot of the same issues Mastodon had during it's first major growth spurts reminds me of what's happening on right now. I have also seen Mastodon and the larger fediverse mellow out over the past year and become and really pleasant place to exist.

I hope, for the sake of the Internet keeping a multitude of pleasant non-corporate social spaces, that Bluesky sees the same mellowing out effect over the next year or so.

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If you want to follow me (full disclosure: I have never posted), you can find me at "", which is kinda neat that I can use my own domain as a username, but I wonder if this functionality might impede the multi-sever federated network that hopes to become. I can only do this here because I run my own private Mastodon server, but what would happen now if I pivoted to AT Protocol over ActivityPub on my own domain? Would that represent a conflict to the Bluesky flagship server?

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@paulgolder Threads already has enough corporate content without adding advertisements! I soured on Threads within a week.

Bluesky does definitely feel like early Twitter. I think it has a fighting chance at replacing Twitter to some degree. It also might be a long-term strength for federated social media for there to exist competing standards, as annoying is it is.

One thing I have noticed is that dogpiling and gatekeeping are major issues. People getting mad at how people share their invite codes, lots of leftist infighting since that's most common kind of user right now. Really petty semantic arguments being made in the absence of a right-wing enemy. Not a great place for rational discourse.

Still, better than X. The only reason I don't delete my accounts there is because I don't want anyone claiming my usernames later.

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I've been lurking on for the past month and here's my review:

1. Looks exactly like Twitter, but without ads.
2. All the drama-heads came over from Twitter
3. Federation has already been compromised by custom domains on the main server.
4. Moderation isn't that great.
5. Programmatic lists are pretty neat, but also seem privacy-diminishing.

I'm happy that I've slowed down on my social media consumption, but Mastodon is really my go-to place to scroll these days when I do get online.

@ladyteruki I'd take a weird version of the matrix over extinction I suppose.

I worry that if I had a time machine, I would go 200 years in the future only to find that all computers had been replaced by holographic AI waifus, and that coding had just been replaced with telling the waifus what to do. Nobody remembers how any of it works, the automated factory just keeps spitting out holowaifu hardware and everyone keeps using it because that's how it's always been.

Or, more realistically, I discovery that humanity is gone.

People will make stuff like this and call it "art". smh...

I had soured on the DSA some time ago, but after their decision to endorse the slaughter and kidnapping of civilians in Israel by Hamas, they are dead to me. Lots of silence from other progressives I otherwise respect, like AOC.

You can be critical of Israel without endorsing terrorism. Absolutely disgusting to see people cheering in the streets about this. You can't be anti-war if you're cheering for death.

@bogdan_vasut Forget left and right tabs. The only thing Microsoft Edge got right was highly-functional vertical tabs. They must own a patent on it or something, because it's a killer feature, which is shamefully attached to an otherwise sub-par browser. Though I would argue it has better tab behavior overall compared to other Chromium browsers.

I just learned that FAA regulations do not prohibit packing florescent and neon lights (contain mercury) in your checked and carry-on luggage when flying on an airplane (made of aluminum).

Forgive me if I misunderstand, but this is a huge gap in security, right? Broken lights would release mercury, any even a little bit of mercury could pose a structural threat to the aircraft?

Maybe the amount of mercury isn't enough to be a problem, or aircraft are hardened against this kind of thing?

People argue about whatever minutia they think makes a web browser the best, but nobody every talks about how none of the major browsers out there have a functional download manager. Honestly, just adding a download resume function would be a game-changer.

But there are absolutely rules on whether Google -- or anything else -- can use that search index to create a product that competes with the original content creators.

For example,,_Inc._v._Google,_Inc.

Google indexing of copyrighted works was considered "fair use" only because they only offered a few preview pages associated with each work. Google's web page excerpts and image thumbnails are widely believed to pass fair use under the same concept.

Now, let's say Google wants to integrate the content of multiple copyrighted works into an AI, and then give away or sell access to that AI which can spit out the content (paraphrased, in some capacity) of any copyrighted work it's ever seen. You'll even be able to ask it questions, like "What did Jeff Guin say about David Koresh's religious beliefs in his 2023 book, Waco?" and in all likelihood it will cough up a summary of Mr. Guinn's uniquely discovered research and journalism.

I don't think the legal questions there are settled at all.

Always fascinated by the choices made when you have to use a picture to represent something abstract. Not sure why I found this one so funny out of context.

(it's from my health insurance)

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pronouncing “tomatoes” so as to rhyme with “comatose”, and vice versa

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This is the Vranas instance.