I've been lurking on for the past month and here's my review:

1. Looks exactly like Twitter, but without ads.
2. All the drama-heads came over from Twitter
3. Federation has already been compromised by custom domains on the main server.
4. Moderation isn't that great.
5. Programmatic lists are pretty neat, but also seem privacy-diminishing.

I'm happy that I've slowed down on my social media consumption, but Mastodon is really my go-to place to scroll these days when I do get online.

@Alex I feel like Bluesky could be good - maybe because it seems like 2008-era Twitter to me. I enjoy Mastodon, but I keep feeling Threads is going to launch thousands of ads any moment now


@paulgolder Threads already has enough corporate content without adding advertisements! I soured on Threads within a week.

Bluesky does definitely feel like early Twitter. I think it has a fighting chance at replacing Twitter to some degree. It also might be a long-term strength for federated social media for there to exist competing standards, as annoying is it is.

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@Alex True about Threads. Too many companies trying to be funny!

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