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@banjofox @steve I highly recommend checking out the City of Seattle traffic camera system. Most of them have realtime HD feeds with lots of people-watching:

Fun fact: The camera is still unsecured at the same IP I found it at.

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Found an unsecured camera in Russia early last year. Witnessed some shady business.

make it illegal to use non-renewables to mine cryptocurrency

A small government agency where I live, King County Conservation District, has started an online election. It is not tied to any other election or election system in the county.

They were interviewed about the risks of election fraud. Their response was basically, The stakes at play are very low, we cannot arrest people or pass laws. The risk to reward for us is quite low.

And as much as I hate online elections I think they are right.

@mightybigcar it took me to a page about the specific wine I purchased, told me where it is sold, and provided information about the winery.

URL in cap:

Bottle of wine with an NFC top - AKA: how to get nerds to visit your vineyard's website.

Complainining about KDE things 

@Genstar That definitely sounds like a bug. What's your distro & version?

People often ask me questions about Bitcoin, and I'm tired of answered the same questions repeatedly, so here are the answers.

Q: When should I invest in Bitcoin?
A: Never.

Q: What altcoins are good investments?
A: None of them.

Q: Have you made money trading crypto?
A: Yes, thousands in profits.

Q: Do you recommend crypto investing, and why?
A: No, it's an endless pump & dump scheme with few winners.

@banjofox I've mostly given up on de-googling, and started working on diversifying and adding redundancy to everything so that Google can't cause me too much grief should they kill my accounts.

Finished some major backhaul on my accounts.

I deleted 121,000 emails from my Gmail accounts this week. Finally decided to part with those digital receipts from 2004.

Set my Google account and all my passwords to transfer to my wife if I die. I didn't know I could do that!

I deleted all the dumb e-mail rules I made for sorting mailing lists and unsubscribed from like 300+ mailing lists.

For the first time in a decade, I had no unread e-mails. I woke up with only 2 new emails this morning!

@banjofox The problem with replacing Facebook is that you need everyone you know to replace Facebook with the same thing you did.

I'm certain you could wreak havoc on plenty of websites using this tool. It takes a bit of processing power, but you can take two JPEG images, and brute-force them into having the same MD5 checksum.

Started playing around with Matrix, but I honestly don't see what the real benefit is. ActivityPub is so fast and seamless, but Matrix applications feel like dial-up Internet.

I do miss when the Internet was smaller and more user-driven, but I definitely don't miss when the Internet was slower...

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