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Do you know how many times I've heard over the past few days how much the media is failing to follow the money in this story about the newly elected Rep. George Santos? This story makes it clear that's exactly what happened.

So let's follow the money, shall we? Starting with Mr. Santos' latest filing for The Devolder Organization, which is apparently responsible for his sudden unexplained wealth.

The organization lists its address as 336 N. Babcock St. Ste 104, and says another organization at the same address but Ste 101 is there called D&D International Investment Services Inc.

Both are affiliated with an individual named Devaughn Dames, who appears to be both a physician and a CFO somehow. He's also very passionate about spreading his knowledge about how to handle your money wisely. His linkedin page mentions both companies. He also seems to be an IT expert; previous domains include

One of Mr. Dames' email addresses (dev.dames at gmail) was used to register the vanity domain devaughndames[.]com. Firefox didn't like what that site tried to do when I visited it, but it loaded an empty page that had the heading "Financial Educational Services." But the pop-up takes you to a domain called, which is for an entity called United Wealth Education.

Now, UWE is full of stock photos and videos, and there isn't much there about who runs it. And after spending a few minutes on this site, you'll probably come away with the conclusion that the site is tied to some type of scam.

Well, if you look up the name of what used to be called -- Financial Educational Services -- you'll see they were shut down JUST THIS YEAR by the US Federal Trade Commission for being a giant pyramid scheme that bilked people out of more than $213 million.

How's that for following the money? :) Wait, I'm not done yet.

@Gargron I highly recommend reading this if you haven't already:

I'm not 100% against quote posts, but if implemented tactlessly they're a one-way ticket to toxicity. Let's try to avoid implementing a "dunk mechanism".

My wife got me a Ring doorbell camera for Christmas.

We don't have a doorbell at all in our apartment. Literally can't install it.

Not a problem though, she bought it so I could take a stab at rooting it.

She knows me well.

No success yet, but it should be fun to tear open and get prodding.

Sick of people calling everything in crypto a Ponzi scheme. Some crypto projects are Pump-and-Dump schemes, while others are Pyramid schemes. Others are just middlemen skimming off the top. Others are just standard-issue fraud.

Stop glossing over the diversity in the industry.

@billyanders Dick's burgers aren't particularly high quality, lending to their exceptional cheapness, but they are delicious nonetheless.

They also pay their employees a decent wage, and their fries are so greasy it soaks the bag, so you get to say that you've got a "big greasy bag of Dicks".

10/10, do recommend.

So I have some doubts about this suspect that's been arrested in the Idaho killings. The police have sent missed messages since the beginning, made virtually no progress, and are still withholding details on how they established this man as a suspect.

Now the suspect is waiving his extradition hearing and submitting to DNA testing, seeking swift exoneration, which isn't characteristic of a guilty suspect. I have a feeling the police might be full of shit here, I guess we'll soon find out.

@sotneStatue I did visit the fucci Instagram account, and I have zero regrets. The art style is definitely consistent.

Alt-text correction: Upon further review the "Two Dots" ad is in Chinese, not Korean, and it is an ad for a iOS app, not for music.

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To be clear, I have nothing against sex work or sex workers, it's just funny that Facebook paid me $10 to help them decide the relevancy of an ad for handjobs, which I assume is not allowed by the TOS.

I couldn't decide if it was relevant though, because they seem to be ignoring the language preferences I already provided them.

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Occasionally Facebook pays me to do little tasks via their "Viewpoints" program. Usually it's stuff like sentiment analysis, voice recognition training, or opinion surveys, but today they were just fucking with me.

@PeggyJoan I’ve already seen some of “them” deriding Mastodon as a leftist echo chamber. But, if by echo chamber, they mean that fascists, racists, homophobes, transphobes, et al running amok isn’t tolerated, then so be it.

I already do view Twitter as a home for the alt-right. That’s why I deactivated my account earlier this year.

@GregHester @PeggyJoan It really does speak for the state of Conservatism if basic rules against hate speech, harassment, and abuse are equal to a ban on Conservatism.

I'm not going to argue that it isn't true, but it certainly doesn't make this place an echo chamber. I see regular disagreements here, it's just that people aren't threatening violence and using slurs and insults to express that. And the disagreements aren't generally about who deserves personhood.

Wife has work today, and I don't. I think I might take an extremely long walk today. is such a great place to explore on foot.

My kids are watching this classic scene from Sesame Street and are just as confused as the Yip Yips. They have absolutely no conception of what this thing is. The humor of the scene has truly come full circle.

I cannot keep this to myself. There is a website ( where you can listen to radio stations all over the world for free. No log in. No email address. Nothing.

When the site loads, you are looking at the globe. Slide the little white circle over the green dots (each green dot is a radio station) until you find one you like.

I have been listening to this station in the Netherlands and it absolutely slaps. I have no idea what they're saying but the music is fantastic.

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This is the Vranas instance.