Very curious how Mastodon is seen by "the others".

Do "they" define Masto the same way we see Truth Social?
And will Twitter soon be seen as a home for the alt-right?

And does anyone see a down-side to this?

Do I ask too many questions?🙃 🙃 🙃

@PeggyJoan I’ve already seen some of “them” deriding Mastodon as a leftist echo chamber. But, if by echo chamber, they mean that fascists, racists, homophobes, transphobes, et al running amok isn’t tolerated, then so be it.

I already do view Twitter as a home for the alt-right. That’s why I deactivated my account earlier this year.


@GregHester @PeggyJoan It really does speak for the state of Conservatism if basic rules against hate speech, harassment, and abuse are equal to a ban on Conservatism.

I'm not going to argue that it isn't true, but it certainly doesn't make this place an echo chamber. I see regular disagreements here, it's just that people aren't threatening violence and using slurs and insults to express that. And the disagreements aren't generally about who deserves personhood.

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