Recently, a Dutch hacker found a vulnerability allowing him to shut down 4 million solar power installations. A handful of mostly non-European places manage perhaps 100 GW of solar power in the EU. Any mishap there, or heaven forbid, a compromise, could easily shut down so much power that the European electricity grid would collapse. Shockingly, we regulate these massive control panels as if they are online birthday calendars. And that must change.

is down entirely. That's fun.

We've already had the biggest IT outage ever, and the biggest PII leak ever this year, I guess we're on a roll.

Sitting at a bar and they're playing failarmy in all the TVs. This shit is just "Ow! My Balls!" IRL. Idiocracy was weirdly prophetic about some things.

My local grocery store sells "Bruno Bananas". I bought some, and had to do a lot of research before I ate one, because I couldn't find any information about the existence of a "Bruno Banana".

I think they are Burro Bananas, but they are huge. Like softball sized bananas...

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