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I feel like a lot of people who have spent years on Twitter are looking to return to the "old days" before Elon Musk, and likely even before Trump.

But people are so fixated on the features Twitter offered they are having trouble working with the tools they are given here.

The difference between Twitter and Mastodon aren't shortcomings, they are just facets of how Mastodon is a different place than Twitter.

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I also see a recurring argument that abusive comments deserve to be put on blast.

This fundamentally goes against the philosophy here.

If the post breaks the rules, report it. You don't need to give abusive people more visibility.

If the post doesn't break the rules, reply and disagree. You don't need to command your followers to join you - that is a dogpile, and it's not productive.

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I see a lot of fresh complaints about Mastodon lacking a quote-tweet equivalent, and while I'll admit that there are a couple of agreeable arguments, people are neglecting some important details.

When you reply to someone, your reply will appear in your followers' feeds. If people want to see what you're disagreeing with, they can click and find out.

And if you want to add additional context, just reply and boost the OP. You'll be seen.

Mastodon doesn't need to be a carbon-copy of Twitter.

I've really been enjoying the photographs shared by @AbandonedAmerica. It's been a while since I did that kind of photography.

Here are some photos I took in December 2010 of Melrose High School, the first Black high school in Memphis, TN, located in the Orange Mound neighborhood.

It opened in 1938 and was abandoned in 1981. It is currently scheduled for renovation after more than 40 years of vacancy.

There are a lot of people on Twitter who fashion themselves as champions of free expression but they seem pretty uninterested in my report about a systematic attack on academic freedom in Florida

I love how moss keeps the parks green in the winter! Here's a new shot from Leschi Park in .

Winter holidays are coming up! In case you need some more decoration, here's my #generative snowflake site for your plotters and laser cutters:

#genart #procedural

Finally, if you want some extra help, there are a number of paid services that will reach out to brokers on your behalf.

The one I *lightly* recommend, and use myself, is DeleteMe, which has done an acceptable job for some of my friends who did nothing manually first, and found a handful of things that I missed.

Here's an affiliate link that gives you 20% off: (full disclosure: they'll give me $50 if you subscribe using this link).

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Once you've done all of this, and you've waited a month or so, a good follow up is to search your name + phone number, and name + address on every search engine (private browser session!) to find the remaining low-hanging fruit.

Find the opt-out form for anything you find, and follow up for every data broker you've opted out of to make sure they complied.

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A quick note on CCPA requests: They only apply to California residents, but don't let that stop you. Most businesses will comply regardless. If they complain, just say that you live in California but don't have an address there. That is enough to get them moving forward.

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There is also a tool called PrivacyBot that is able to mass-mail data brokers with CCPA opt-out requests. It's out of date and broken, but there is still a CSV file in their repo that you can import into a mail-merge program to send your own CCPA requests:

It's messy, and you'll have to verify with a lot of different brokers after mailing them, but it seems quite effective.

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Data Brokers are one of the biggest threats to your privacy. Until there are better privacy laws in the US (and I'm not holding my breath), the best you can do is find them and request an opt-out. @yaelwrites put together an excellent repo of the worst offenders. Working your way through this list reduces your attack surface significantly:

One of my favorite things is that fascist "patriot" trolls love to have .us domain names so they can signal how much they love America, and that .us domain names don't allow for whois security and have the trolls' full names and addresses publicly accessible.

It's why we know who LibsOfTiktok is, and where she lives, lol.

Inviting Roko's Basilisk to torture my simulated connectome just to feel something.

i think im pretty much done with this song. it's a bit repetitive cause it's based on a 4 chord loop, but i can't really change that without starting from scratch so im just gonna leave that as is. lessons learned for next song though

anyway i think it sounds nice. any ideas for what to call it?

Spineberg's Basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly introduce it to the music of Steely Dan.[1][2]

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The list of right wing extremists Kavanaugh partied with is so unbelievable it’s worth posting twice. The list includes characters like Sebastian Gorka & Stephen Miller - Nazis (, white nationalists ( If you do basic search on others your stomach will churn.
At a time folks are raising alarm about ethics and #SCOTUS this is unseemly.

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I asked to draw a picture of a cat and a dog in an HTML canvas, and uhh...

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This is the Vranas instance.