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Considering watching this, but somehow I doubt the show is going to be as funny as this preview.

My pandemic hobby has been data-hoarding. I have 45TB of drives hooked up, and only have 7TB free now. I probably should try to clear duplicates, delete trash, and cull some of the stuff I'll never actually use before I buy more 16TB drives, right?

Or should I just shell out for a massive NAS and never delete anything ever again?

activating a series of powerful rockets on the moon, which gradually falls out of its orbit, toward the earth. It erupts in flames as it enters the atmosphere and crashes into the crust, creating pink clouds of dust.

it's a girl

I'm new to the Fediverse. Jumped from server to server, but ultimately settled on my own instance for my main account.

I work in Zero Trust networking in Seattle, and enjoy Retro Gaming, 3D Printing, and Hiking. I'll mostly be posting about those things.

Spent all evening messing with Mastodon and eventually setting up my own instance. Learned how to use it, and how not to use it.

Now I've got everything the way I want it and I'm too tired to post anything good.

Anyway, good night.

Mastodon (

This is the Vranas instance.