@bizzacore @therobburgessshow Very true. There is something about fascism that makes the other side of the spectrum seem more appealing. When the far-right keeps screaming about the threat of Communism, it makes people consider if we should make good on that threat since it's clearly an existential threat to their cause.
@therobburgessshow Liberalism/Neoliberalism is more accepting of the Capitalist status quo. There are very few Democrats who will argue against that status quo.
I will still side with establishment Liberals over establishment Conservatives, but I'm not a fan of the establishment, if that makes sense.
@therobburgessshow I've definitely become less liberal between my mid-20's to mid-30's, but only in the sense that I've become explicitly leftist.
@Alex Do you want to know why?
Because they get up to 50% comission regardless if customers get scammed or return the product.
#Amazon's interests are aligned against it's customers.
Not just #consumers, but same goes with #B2B customers:
The best part about working from home is access to my kitchen.
I'm pretty proud of my ability to cook, and I live right by a grocery story, so rather than hit a local restaurant with coworkers like I used to, I can just make a quick shopping trip, throw together a recipe, and have a high-quality meal for pennies on the dollar from my old pre-2020 habits.
There are good restaurants in my neighborhood too, but it's nice to keep leveling up my culinary skills!
@pnwres My dog Lily is also a notorious toy destroyer, and we thought giving her more robust toys would give her more a a challenge.
Then she started damaging her teeth because she was too determined to destroy any toy we gave her...
Curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to investigate .eth domains.
Not interested in actually using them, or owning one, just wanted to see how they work.
Conclusion: They don't actually work. You either need a special browser, or a browser extension, and they redirect you elsewhere on the actual web.
Literally no way to actually host anything at those domains. Nothing after the '/' will ever do anything.
Web3 is such a joke. I can't believe anyone actually takes it seriously.
Apparently people don't just like emulated calculators in the browser - they love it, and want more.
So come enjoy the CALCULATOR DRAWER, a dozen plus emulated calculators and (where I could find them) the manuals. Get calculating!
@inoneear RE-PC & 3R have hooked me up with some great stuff over the years!
Currently hunting for a better 1U server to host my personal VMware hypervisor on, and a Apple Powerbook G4 to run MorphOS on.
Didn't find what I was looking for during my recent visit to RE-PC, but I did find a couple of silly nerd toys to play with.
Need to make a trip to Kent soon to see what 3R has to offer.
@KayJanes I was just a kid, but I basically remember it as if Circuit City was also a theme park.
RE-PC, a used electronics shop in #Seattle, uses inventory bins from Incredible Universe for parts management.
Incredible Universe went out of business 26 years ago!
I have vague memories of visiting one in Atlanta when I was a kid.
"Pro-life" is a Republican lie.
Republicans are pro-death penalty.
Republicans are against child vaccination.
Republicans took away the child tax credit.
Republicans oppose school lunches.
Republicans oppose maternal health care like pre-natal vitamins.
Republicans oppose adequately funded foster care.
Republicans oppose the agency and autonomy of women.
i always forget
vanta's #1 tech tip
when you get frustrated, smoke weed and come back when you're in a better headspace
it's not even a tech tip
at this point it's just a life tip lol
it applies to more than just linux bullshit
#Netsec Professional. Whitehat #Hacker. #Demoscene spectator. Nerd.
I'm a fan of #Linux, #FOSS, #Decentralization (not Crypto), Crypto (as in #Cryptography), and #Socialism. Always #Antifascist & #Antiwar.
Seattle, WA