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Just now learning about the Quiffice QX120 Opvouwbare laptop table.

Finally, a standing desk for mobile workers.

@atomicpoet It's no mystery why they are so widely defederated. A Google search for "Pawoo" gives me a simulated child porn artist as the second link on the page.

mstdnJP has actual child porn on it...

It's basic due diligence to keep that content off of your instance.

Glad to learn about the Mask Network owning more instances. I'm guessing they are of similar risk.

Please enjoy a look at what the Emerald City looks like when covered in snow. It's quite beautiful.☃️

<i><b>"It's always in the back of your mind
When everything is dark, still something shines
One chilly afternoon, you drew the blind.

The earth was frozen
Ice upon the water
All at once you saw her
There in the #winter light."</b></i>

Tim Finn / "Winter Light" / 2005

Captured in February 2021.

#Seattle #solstice #wintersolstice #photography #PNW #cityscape


The “Death Penalty” of Child Welfare: In 6 Months or Less, Some Parents Lose Their Kids Forever
No state terminates parental rights more frequently or faster than #WestVirginia, according to a ProPublica/NBC News analysis.

1-in-50 #children here experienced the severing of their relationships with both of their #parents from 2015-2019.

For most of them, it occurred within 11 months of being removed from their home for the first time.

These days so many people want to be 'verified' on the internet :flan_laugh:

I grew up in a time when we where told 'not to use your real name on the internet' :blobcatgiggle:


Newly-minted socialists would REALLY do well to acquaint themselves with the history of fascists using antisemitism with pseudo-socialist characteristics to peel people off left movements.

It's a pretty core trait of Euro/US fascism, and the popular left keeps falling for it.

I'm really sincerely begging the fediverse to recognize the difference between capitalism and commerce. People selling products and services is commerce, which is a good and normal thing. So please stop being weird about artists and artisans who are trying to find their customers on here.

i genuinely do not want to meta post anymore but I cannot physically stop myself 

man is really trying to liz truss this isn't he

My "Pleroma instances attract Nazis" post went viral on Pleroma, and the Nazis there were kind enough to reply with a bunch of slurs to show me more instances that needed to be suspended.

Aw yeah, did a dist-upgrade on my laptop, thought everything was great, ran into a Python issue, tried to fix it, and somehow broke wayland and the entire network stack...

I also have an 8 year old Thinkpad that I've been dist-upgrading for years, so maybe it's just a sign that it's time to offload and reinstall...

Or buy a more modern laptop.

@pearlbear Have you looked into Mobilizon and Lemmy? Might not be exactly what you're looking for, but they're definitely in that direction.

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This is the Vranas instance.