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@leo Some of the big players like Libsyn platform violent Neo-Nazi podcasts. Don't give them your business!

you don’t have to like it but this is an incredible time to be online

Mastodon is my new home, but if you want to follow me elsewhere, check out

I did some more work on #DOStodon, the #Mastodon client for #MSDOS.

I added a splash screen, a busy indicator for network access, you can scroll the entries now, there is a profile viewer and you can like and boost.
Image attachments are now displayed, too.

I am also interested in any Internet Radio stations people might recommend to me. I love independant radio!

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As some white people are, of course, trying to find some wiggle room in comparing new people coming to the fedi and the horror that is colonization, let me say this again.

If you think new people coming to the fedi is akin to COLONIZATION, you are racist, and I'm not entertaining your bullshit.

Can people be overwhelmed? Yes. Can people feel anxious? Sure. But NONE OF THOSE THINGS are tantamount to colonialism.

Discomfort with change is fine. Trying to align that experience with one of the most brutal and violent methodologies in the history of humankind is complete nonsense.

No, I am not going to debate this point.

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I have been a huge fan of my neighborhood Low-Power FM radio station, Hollow Earth Radio.

They are an excellent commercial-free source of local/independent music. I can't wait until they start doing in-person events again.

If you're looking for a to discover some new content, you can stream them online at

if you're having trouble visualizing the recursive centaur i've made this helpful reference

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A local business, that I know is 100% WFH and has had an empty office for 2 years now, just posted these very depressing staged pics on Instagram with the caption "We celebrated Thanksgiving early at our new office space. Turkey with all the fixings! Mmmmmm."

Nobody's there...

It's 10am on a Friday, and the office doesn't even have furniture in it.


It's an online tool that connects your Twitter and Mastodon accounts via the API so that if you post something on Twitter, it also gets posted here, or vice versa.

I personally recommend against it since people should be considering their audience before they post.

If you must, I recommend only crossposting from Mastodon to Twitter, not the other way around.

A reminder to people pushing Twitter retweets through the Mastodon-Twitter crossposter without configuring the "Twitter content warning" option:

Your RTs aren't coming over with CWs, so if you're retweeting sensitive/political stuff, you're not being a very considerate community member here.

If you don't want to CW every tweet you crosspost, enable the "Do not post quotes on Mastodon" option, or don't RT things that should have CWs here.

if the fediverse and cohost turned out to gather a large user share that would probably be a really good outcome for the internet imo

@yuvipanda I bought the RONGTA RP332. It's fast and supports USB, Ethernet, and Serial.

It can be used as a raw printer that prints text directly, or as a normal printer so you can print tiny copies of your documents.

Now they you know Elon Musk exists, you are never allowed to have imposter syndrome again.

You are healed. I have healed you

Massaging a bash script to print well formatted text to my thermal printer via stdin.

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Mastodon (

This is the Vranas instance.