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A reminder to people pushing Twitter retweets through the Mastodon-Twitter crossposter without configuring the "Twitter content warning" option:

Your RTs aren't coming over with CWs, so if you're retweeting sensitive/political stuff, you're not being a very considerate community member here.

If you don't want to CW every tweet you crosspost, enable the "Do not post quotes on Mastodon" option, or don't RT things that should have CWs here.

if the fediverse and cohost turned out to gather a large user share that would probably be a really good outcome for the internet imo

@yuvipanda I bought the RONGTA RP332. It's fast and supports USB, Ethernet, and Serial.

It can be used as a raw printer that prints text directly, or as a normal printer so you can print tiny copies of your documents.

Now they you know Elon Musk exists, you are never allowed to have imposter syndrome again.

You are healed. I have healed you

Massaging a bash script to print well formatted text to my thermal printer via stdin.

Mathematician and astronomer August Ferdinand Möbius was born #OTD in 1790. He is best known for having his name attached to a surface that not even the New York Times could find a way to both-sides.

@halcy As a VC, I think he clings to the legitimacy of cults of personality like that surround Elon Musk, because without it they risk losing their own legitimacy.

His blog is a painful read as he really doesn't seem to properly assess the world around him, or at least he has no interest in honest communication about the world.

He has an entry called "Billionaires Build", which is just substanceless capitalist propaganda that only serves to prop up people like him.

Babe, wake up, a new #JWST image just dropped.

Light from the protostar L1527 escapes above and below an edge-on protoplanetary disk (the dark line at the center of the image), creating an hourglass shape. This illuminates the cavities carved as ejected material from the star collides with the surrounding, dusty nebula.

Dust scatters shorter wavelengths of light, so blue areas are where the dust is thinner and orange areas are where the dust is more dense.


@Alex it‘s incredible to me that a) he actually buys that elon does any meaningful technical or tech pm work 2) he forgets that teslas shitass 5 years behind the state of the art attempt at self driving that they’re just kind of beta testing on the road regularly kills people

Venture Capitalist Paul Graham, who has had a broken certificate on his personal website for years now, wants to lecture people about how to manage a tech company.

Let's take a look. Galactica can generate wikipedia articles, supposedly.

So let's see what they look like. Here's one for Brandolini's law, the principle that bullshit takes another of magnitude less effort create than to clean up.

Left: Galactica's attempt at creating a wikipedia entry

Right: The actual wikipedia entry

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The Onion truly is America's finest news source.

Ben Garrison's Kobe tribute vs. Hans Zweibel's Gallagher tribute.

My son is transgender, loud and proud about it.

He's absolutely one of my top two favorite people; not just because he's my child, but because he's funny, intelligent, warm, helpful, understanding, creative, and so many other positive things. That guy makes me proud to be his dad on the regular.

Losing the person he is because he didn't feel he could be open with me or with his mom would've gutted us, no chance of recovery.

Fight to be the sort of person a friend or a child can turn to when they want, need to share who they are. #TransgenderAwarenessWeek

Mastodon is the most "web3" platform that I know of and there is ::looksaround:: no sign of blockchain or crypto anywhere.

Mastodon v4 upgrade meme (updated) 

#admin #meme

Okay, third time's the charm! [Fixed]

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This is the Vranas instance.