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haircut selfie!!!!! (cw: eye contact) 

@vantablack Great look for you! Also, love the Spinel pin!

Does your ruling class spark joy? If not, thank them and throw them away.

CNET is now letting an AI write articles for its site. The problem? It's kind of a moron.

Amazon just alerted me that my package was delivered at 10:30am local time, which is pretty impressive since it is 9:30am.

Cleaned up a couple gadget-packed sections of my apartment and I'm embarrassed to report over a dozen cables that weren't connected to anything.

Anyway, things are looking much cleaner now, and will remain so until my network lab goes through several more iterations.

got to tour a literal steam ship today!!! it was fucking awesome!!!!! also lake union park is really goddamn pretty lol

I used to think the XKCD alt text was cute, but now I understand that XKCD isn't very accessible because it misuses alt text...

I gotta say, I am extremely disappointed with Justin Roiland today.

I cannot say I am especially surprised though. It's almost par for the course with controversial comedy folks that one day they'll reveal themselves to be complete pieces of shit.

sometimes i look up at the moon and think, know who else is looking at that very same moon? MILFs in my area. and it puts me at ease

@mastobit Yes, I agree, it was negligent and it is a huge distraction, which is why I'm not interested in equivocating it to what Trump did.

“Trigger” at one point was a useful psychological term, but now it pretty much means “eliciting mockery or bafflement.”

@nekoewen "Racking up a massive gas bill and slowly poisoning my own brain to trigger the libs"

Found are really pretty place to work for a few hours today. Got complements on my Zoom Background during meetings, just for people to start realizing it was real.

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