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lol, Pleroma just removed 4/6 "Featured Instances" from the project website - specifically the Nazi-friendly ones.

I'm not going to say that I'm responsible for this, but given all of the death threats Pleroma users keep sending me after I called this out, I think I deserve credit.

Hey, outdoorsy folks. I recently found a nascent web community for hikers and nature appreciators in the area, and so far it looks like there's only two members: The admin, and myself.

I'd love to see this community take off. Despite the PNW being a hot spot for outdoors activities, there is a void to fill for this kind of thing online.

Give them a visit at:

Several years ago I made the decision to keep my portable storage drives formatted with NTFS "just in case" I wanted to plug them into a Windows computer. Did I ever need to? Not until this week when I had a 16TB drive get corrupted and I had to sit thorugh days of CHKDSK to get it working again.

Now I'm migrating 40TB+ of data to EXT4, and boy am I glad I only have to do this once...

Thinking about split timeline 

One tab for your followers' direct posts, in (reverse) chronological.

Another tab for boosts, possibly algorithmic.

@Okanogen @theintercept Glenn resigned from The Intercept more than 2 years ago.

I'm just waiting for Ken Klippenstein to join us here.

@cybeardsec @compuguy @ErrataRob No, he's just using the Mastodon-Twitter Crossposter and forgetting his audience when he Tweets.

In collaboration w/ @CVAntifa & @RoseCityAntifa here's the second article in a series about Rose City Nationalists - a white supremacist "active club" embracing neo-Nazi aesthetics / ideology. We expose RCN's next member - Zachary Lambert

@benjedwards I found one with the same board, but populated a bit differently. Might be a start?

has anyone tried to do data storage by putting a bunch of QR codes in a book? would be interesting to figure out how to do it such that if pages are missing you can still recover it Yeah, if I'm going to suffer ear ringing as a consequence of cannabis, I deserve to also be high.

I've been free of cannabis since Halloween, and recently decided to have some CBD candies. Made a discovery in the process.

Yes, cannabinoids do cause my tinnitus to flare up, and no, it doesn't matter if it's one of the fun ones or not.

Just now learning about the Quiffice QX120 Opvouwbare laptop table.

Finally, a standing desk for mobile workers.

@atomicpoet It's no mystery why they are so widely defederated. A Google search for "Pawoo" gives me a simulated child porn artist as the second link on the page.

mstdnJP has actual child porn on it...

It's basic due diligence to keep that content off of your instance.

Glad to learn about the Mask Network owning more instances. I'm guessing they are of similar risk.

Please enjoy a look at what the Emerald City looks like when covered in snow. It's quite beautiful.☃️

<i><b>"It's always in the back of your mind
When everything is dark, still something shines
One chilly afternoon, you drew the blind.

The earth was frozen
Ice upon the water
All at once you saw her
There in the #winter light."</b></i>

Tim Finn / "Winter Light" / 2005

Captured in February 2021.

#Seattle #solstice #wintersolstice #photography #PNW #cityscape


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This is the Vranas instance.