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I'm really sincerely begging the fediverse to recognize the difference between capitalism and commerce. People selling products and services is commerce, which is a good and normal thing. So please stop being weird about artists and artisans who are trying to find their customers on here.

i genuinely do not want to meta post anymore but I cannot physically stop myself 

man is really trying to liz truss this isn't he

My "Pleroma instances attract Nazis" post went viral on Pleroma, and the Nazis there were kind enough to reply with a bunch of slurs to show me more instances that needed to be suspended.

Aw yeah, did a dist-upgrade on my laptop, thought everything was great, ran into a Python issue, tried to fix it, and somehow broke wayland and the entire network stack...

I also have an 8 year old Thinkpad that I've been dist-upgrading for years, so maybe it's just a sign that it's time to offload and reinstall...

Or buy a more modern laptop.

@pearlbear Have you looked into Mobilizon and Lemmy? Might not be exactly what you're looking for, but they're definitely in that direction.

Protip for the new mastodonians: don't obfuscate names or words - only hashtags work for search so you won't get troll bombed if you say Elon Musk.

Filters, however, work on anything, so those who don't want to see Elon Musk won't see this post.

But if you write El*n M*sk they WILL see it, and that might make them mad, so don't do it okay? Let people use their filters.

Twitter forced me to delete tweets explaining how to set up an ADS-B feeder and contribute open source, public flight data to FlightAware and @ADSBexchange. I was told these tweets violated Twitter’s rules against posting private information.

@effy This was extremely weird when I thought you had randomly chosen my single-user instance. Like, why did you choose me?

But now I see that this is some sort of clever trick, so that's actually pretty neat.

@therotund This is excellent news! Poisoning Pigeons in the Park is a valuable piece of culture that should be shared extensively without copyright enforcement.

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This is the Vranas instance.