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@em0 I wouldn't be surprised if people convert stolen phones into cash at those "recycle your old phone" kiosks, and that the operators of those kiosks ship everything to Shenzen.

Inviting Roko's Basilisk to torture my simulated connectome just to feel something.

Weapons, Harry Potter, WTF 

@ZySoua this woulda defeated Voldemort book 1.

i think im pretty much done with this song. it's a bit repetitive cause it's based on a 4 chord loop, but i can't really change that without starting from scratch so im just gonna leave that as is. lessons learned for next song though

anyway i think it sounds nice. any ideas for what to call it?

Spineberg's Basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly introduce it to the music of Steely Dan.[1][2]

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The list of right wing extremists Kavanaugh partied with is so unbelievable it’s worth posting twice. The list includes characters like Sebastian Gorka & Stephen Miller - Nazis (, white nationalists ( If you do basic search on others your stomach will churn.
At a time folks are raising alarm about ethics and #SCOTUS this is unseemly.

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@eloquence Had the same experience when I asked to animate a spinning pentagram. I got a spinning square, but all things considered, it's still neat.

I asked to draw a picture of a cat and a dog in an HTML canvas, and uhh...


Capitalists: you must sell us your labor if you want to eat, also we will get richer than you

Workers: ok I guess, gimme a job

Capitalists: no, fuck you

Workers: hey government can I have a job?

Government: no, fuck you, also we’re arresting you for being homeless

Capitalists: hey government can I uhhh borrow those prisoners for slave labor

Government: yeah sure

Workers: -looking directly at camera- I tried to take a sneak peek at tomorrow's PDF, and I got exactly what I deserved.

RPi meta 

The statements to Buzzfeed from RPi are significantly more damning than the fedi behavior imo.

Describing this as a "culture war", making the baseless (and false) claim it was organized and not organic outrage, claiming the cop is good for perpetuating the war on drugs, throwing shade at CWs...

It feels very much like an attitude we've all already seen from the right.


RPi meta 

@lunarogue They really did double down with that interview. I'm disgusted.

The idea that public surveillance is a way of "catching people who were doing really, really bad stuff" or "getting drugs out of schools" is complete BS. This just posits that everyone in a public space is a potential criminal, or that the war on drugs is a measure to protect children.

The same authoritarian nonsense we have to fight back against every day.

raspberryPi, raspberryBye 

@blake Given how unreasonable the response was from their social media manager, I wouldn't be surprised if they're making up the death threats in an attempt to come across as the victim here.

They're already lying about this being a conspiracy organized via discord chat. I wouldn't put it past them to lie about the severity of the responses they have received.

raspberryPi they did look good. They should post more meat and less copaganda.

raspberryPi I saw a joke post earlier about how they were continuing the drama by arguing about CWs, and I really didn't expect that to be the truth.

They really think we're upset because they didn't CW sausages?

Sure, I CW meat, because I have vegan followers and I respect people's desire not to see meat, but that's absolutely not a rule anyone enforces.

And nobody is organizing on Discord to hate on RPi. We're truly mad that they're embracing surveillance tech.

This strip came out in 1995. What would Calvin’s dad have to say about technology in 2022? 😬🫠 #CalvinandHobbes

Just realized I can get a Concealed Pistol License in Washington State without even owning a gun.

I think I'm gonna do it just because it would be extremely funny to have the license despite never owning or even firing a handgun ever in my entire life.

I absolutely didn't have "Official Mastodon account has a public meltdown" on my BINGO sheet.

Good thing there are a ton of SBC's out there to play with made by companies that have the good sense not to intentionally insult their own customer community. This is an incredibly disappointing response coming from you guys. This was well articulated criticism of your post, and you're just being a jerk.

Did you do any due diligence at all about your who your audience is here before you joined the Fediverse?

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