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I just saw The Big Lebowski at my neighborhood cinema, and minus my wife and I, there were like 4 other people there. Really sad because I love this cinema and more people should be buying tickets

If you live in Seattle, please check out Central Cinema. It's got great food, they show great movies, and they pay their staff a living wage. Please help keep them in business, I love them!

Someone carved the alphabet into a tree and let it deform for five years and made a font out of it:

I just bought an FM radio that lets you record to a microSD card. Aliexpress buy, so it'll be delivered in a month. Should be somewhat nostalgic to record the radio.

My greatest online honor (if you Google me).

Very proud of how thoroughly I've scrubbed myself from the web. Perfect opportunity for a rebrand!

Sometimes I'm worried the Internet has made me stupid. I've been trying to find an old book that is entirely too expensive to buy, but nobody has a digital copy of it to download. I've dug through every place I could think of looking for a scan (LibGen, Internet Archive, etc.).

Turns out the library down the street has it. I forgot about those...

I've been working on a Demoscene website. Massaged some data from a Pouet data dump and wrote some javascript that generates YouTube playlists of ~50 videos.

It's a work in progress, but I keep visiting my own site because it's a content goldmine.

And yes, there's Pouet TV, but mine's different, I promise.

Check it out:

Thinking about building my own homebrew Zoom Meeting Interrotron. Stare my meeting participants right in their eyes.

@JSkier I love that I know exactly what it sounded like when I took this screenshot. 🎧

marios ass from super mario odyssey has more triangles than the entirety of super mario 64

I am further haunted that someone who actually wants to work for Amazon, who made it all the way through the interview process and got a job offer, would accept the offer with something as impersonal as a one-line auto-response from their phone's notifications.

Maybe this is a subtle way Google tries to sabotage Amazon's recruitment, as if Amazon's work culture wasn't enough.

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Amazon just sent me an email about a job opening, and I'm not interested in it at all, but I did accidentally fat-finger the Gmail auto-response for "I accept this position", so I think I might work for Amazon now.

@thomasfuchs this happens to me every time I connect to gigabit wifi.

@jalefkowit I had the Archos Studio 10, and it was arguably the best music player I've ever owned. I remember downloading MP3s from Audiogalaxy and filling the drive up before a family vacation.

I had the rechargeables in the player, and a bag of alkaline AAs in a pinch.

Check out this desktop screenshot of mine from 2005.

I have always been an advocate for using anonymous accounts online to keep your personal life and the online masses separate.

But those accounts are always just a temptation for me to argue and get frustrated with others, so I am now deleting most of my anonymous/pseudonymous identity for the sake of being a healthier person.

Expect me more here. I like how Mastodon gives me completely control over my identity, and lacks the right-wing agitators that ruin social media for me generally.

@JSkier It certainly does look shady. Not sure what that cat is up to.

The funniest part is that this is the frame I got when I discovered the camera. Lucky shot.


Just some guy with his cat in a bag outside of an apartment complex.

Camera is still open and unsecured, lol.

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This is the Vranas instance.