I don't post on here much any more, or monitor it much, so probably better to find me on Bluesky if you need me.

De gustibus etc. No platform is perfect. But I feel more comfortable there, and less like I'm likely to get screamed at for using Latin without a CW or something.

@Popehat Same is mostly true for me. I do still try to check in here every day or so if I can though.

Also, I have a big list of Bluesky invites if people want one. I even made a form: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI

@mmasnick @Popehat Getting close to joining you all over there, at least as a vacation home. The yelling here is getting to be a bit much.

@mattblaze @Popehat tbf, there is some yelling there too... but it's been less aggressive (mostly).

@mmasnick @mattblaze There it’s mostly tankies yelling and how could anyone get mad at them, they’re adorable

@Popehat @mmasnick @mattblaze It's better than every other platform I've tried (at least in my experience). And now it federated too.

@ygalanter @Popehat @mmasnick @mattblaze

Lots of talk about people moving to BlueSky. What is its advantages over the Fediverse?

@vincent @ygalanter @Popehat @mmasnick @mattblaze Dunno about the advantages, but I thought people would have learned about social media platforms controlled by unaccountable billionaires by now…

@ygalanter @krans @vincent also, one thing I appreciate about the bsky team is that they are explicit that they view the future company as an adversary and are building with that in mind. That's important. They're not only not controlled by a billionaire, they're building so that they *can't* be controlled by a billionaire.

@mmasnick @ygalanter @krans @vincent

The bsky team view the future company as an adversary... because the future company might implement a moderation policy. No, really!

As @davidgerard notes, they're trying to build a site where the extreme right cannot be pushed off, that's the explicit goal.



@hollowleviathan @mmasnick @ygalanter @krans @vincent @davidgerard They also don't speak of BS and AT Proto as if they will exist outside of "the company", which is really rich coming from a supposedly "decentralized" product. They certainly intend it to be financially centralized.

All they're really saying is that the future company ethos might be at odds with the current one. I read that as a promise of enshittification as this for-profit startup tries to monetize their creation.

@Alex @hollowleviathan @mmasnick @ygalanter @krans @vincent yep. you can own your own "node" on a reasonable ubuntu server, but not the central directory service required for it to run.

i have repeatedly asked the bsky guys what the actual loadout is to run bluesky as a standalone service. this appears to be information they really don't want to let loose.

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