Vital question of our age:

"I'm going to eat a bowl of sausage gravy..."

#poll #BoostsWelcome

@weit_im_westen @Adventurer
Long-winded bloviating will continue until morale improves. Polls with way too many options are my love language.

Also, I never signed on to any messaging network. I'm not messaging. I'm breaking new and exciting ground in microblogging. One might even say I was macromicroblogging.


@intransitivelie @weit_im_westen @Adventurer

You didn't miss anything but ChatGPT screenshots because this guy couldn't be bothered to write his own words.

@Alex @Adventurer
Oh wow, no kidding. I didn't even notice. That's... Wow. Frankly, I'm entertained by that in a way which I didn't think "AI" would ever accomplish. Thank you for letting me know 🙂

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