One of the things that I thought was a downside to running a single-user instance is that not all of the comments load for popular posts. I really only see the people I follow, I have no other users filling in the blanks in my database.

But this makes it harder to get stuck in the weeds. If I want to see reactions to a post I can open the thread on its home server and see everything.

It's honestly a good filter to keep me from responding to posts that aren't productive to respond to.


It's also nice to follow over 1k accounts because that's the only way any content makes it to me. I actually filter some accounts out of my user timeline just to fluff up my federated timeline.

I still follow those accounts, I just have a more curated personal timeline.

lmao, I just realized that this is not a feature, I just never added any relays to my server.

Clearly I've been having a fine time for years without a relay, but I just added the three largest public relays to my list and now my instance is drinking from a firehose.

We'll see how much I like the additional content, exposure, and S3 costs of doing this. Might go back to the bubble I was enjoying.

@Alex I haven’t added any relays yet, but I did install FediFetcher to get more replies to posts in my timeline. It’s not perfect but I do see more things than I otherwise would.

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