Interesting: Leica ships the first commercial-off-the-shelf camera that comes with C2PA which (in theory, infrastructure not quite here yet) should allow publications to prove provenance and processing steps from camera to Web server for anything they publish, and allow viewers to be confident they’re not looking at a deepfake.

So I posted ⬆️ about the new Leica M11P with C2PA provenance-chain support and quite a bit of dialogue ensued. Then I started getting nervous because I don’t understand C2PA deeply, and the following question occurs to me: What key is used to sign the C2PA manifest? One hardwired into the camera? One dispensed by a Leica API? Having ratholed on the Leica web site (100% opaque) and the C2PA spec (way overengineered) I admit defeat.


I guess I could buy an M11P (*cough* $10K *cough*) and look at the EXIF.

Or ask, anyone here know anyone in software at Leica?

Or ask, anyone here know anyone who has or is reviewing an M11P?

Or is a C2PA expert?


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