I've been lurking on for the past month and here's my review:

1. Looks exactly like Twitter, but without ads.
2. All the drama-heads came over from Twitter
3. Federation has already been compromised by custom domains on the main server.
4. Moderation isn't that great.
5. Programmatic lists are pretty neat, but also seem privacy-diminishing.

I'm happy that I've slowed down on my social media consumption, but Mastodon is really my go-to place to scroll these days when I do get online.

One thing I have noticed is that dogpiling and gatekeeping are major issues. People getting mad at how people share their invite codes, lots of leftist infighting since that's most common kind of user right now. Really petty semantic arguments being made in the absence of a right-wing enemy. Not a great place for rational discourse.

Still, better than X. The only reason I don't delete my accounts there is because I don't want anyone claiming my usernames later.

@Alex I see a lot of people on Bluesky dunking on Mastodon for being "too confusing and gatekeepy" but I don't think they realize AT functions a lot in the same way, its just not "confusing" yet because they haven't enabled federation. Once they do then the same issues they complained about will appear. Its very interesting


@kizaing It will be interesting to see how that plays out. I suspect it will cause a lot of problems not acclimating users to federated social media and opening the floodgates on the current user base. It really doesn't seem like they're ready for it. I also don't know how well the flashship Bluesky server is going to handle moderation once they open the doors.

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