Last year, members of the #Sacramento Proud Boys #California, carried out violent attacks against counter-protesters outside of a Turning Point USA speaking event on campus.

This year students and community members came together - and literally chased the Proud Boys off campus!

Video via @/Off_the_99

#Davis #California #UCDavis #ProudBoys

@igd_news Sadly, the protesters are not coming off well in the media coverage of the event. I wish it were otherwise.

The story being told is basically: Kirk spoke as planned, 500 people showed up, protestors got violent. πŸ˜₯


@cepaea @igd_news That sounds like the media alright...

Β· Β· Tusky Β· 1 Β· 0 Β· 2

@Alex @igd_news I wonder, in retrospect, if trying to have protest events at alternative locations was a mistake. Or if the spin would have been the same (or worse).

@cepaea @Alex It's almost like the 'alternative' events were designed to distract people from confronting Kirk?!

@igd_news @Alex They were meant to avoid giving press to Kirk and to avoid violence, yes. But the people who organized them did so with the best of intentions, if you know anything about the Phoenix Coalition. As I said, I think in retrospect (easy to play Monday morning quarterback) that it was a mistake, but at the time I thought what they were doing made sense.

@cepaea @Alex It was because of the protests that the media even reported on Kirk's calls to 'take care of' trans people, TPUSA's links to the Proud Boys, their spread of J6 and COVID misinformation, etc - this is because the movement put that front and center. If it were up to the press, they'd just be parroting whatever press release TPUSA or the police put out. Also, Kirk threatened to sue the Sacramento Bee who rightfully called Kirk a fascist and called him on his comments about trans people. Much of the press, especially the center, corporate press, is afraid to take on the Right.

@igd_news @Alex My comment was about protests in alternative locations, not about protests altogether. Had it been a larger group all in one place, the perception might have been different (emphasis on might).

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