I don't understand the logic that is: your personal dropbox account costs more than $16 / mo to pop up to 3 TB but if you can find 3 people to split it with you can get 5 TB per user for $15 per person. Should I use something other than dropbox? What's good these days?


@Chronotope Personally I can't find a real use for 3-5TB of personal cloud storage.

I'm not actively sharing that amount of data, and the data I want to safely archive is stored redundantly on SSDs and BD-Rs that I store in my home and safe deposit box.

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@Alex Yeah, I have an archive I make and run to my storage unit once a year as my backup, but having a live offsite backup has been very useful personally, and I do have a lot of stuff in it and a lot of stuff I use it for collaboratively, especially around audio.

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