@albinanigans the pleroma devs are not nazis, but they *are* the other ten guys at the table

@albinanigans had someone outraged before that someone would ban his site just because he used soapbox



@albinanigans @davidgerard Yes, the founder and lead dev of Soapbox is a TERF. Given the transphobia to fascism pipeline, you could consider him the nazi at the table. Most people using Soapbox are either also TERFs or people who believe "tech is neutral" (i.e. there's no possible harm in using software made by a bigot).


@skyfaller @albinanigans @davidgerard Yeah, that guy regularly boosts posts from accounts with custom swastika emojis in their display names, follows accounts from explicitly Neo-Nazi oriented instances, and then cries on his blog that people call him a Nazi, while in the same breath admitting that he was an early Gab user...

Like, sure, not all TERFs are Nazis, but he's not being subtle about it.

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