
Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

Pleroma Dev and "Gleasonator" Admin, Alex Gleason on his blog.


on Pleroma...

Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

This is why I have a general distrust of Pleroma users. I don't care that it is "more lightweight" than Mastodon. I don't care that it has extra features and multiple frontends.

Its Nazis all the way down. Even the official Pleroma website recommends Nazi-friendly instances, and their devs are openly friendly with out-and-proud Nazis.

re: Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@Alex I feel a very similar way about this, it's been bothering me how common it is to have a group of asshats whip up another instance just to spend their time harassing others or discuss how much they dislike others that aren't white/straight/cis.

At this point it's very fair to be generally distrustful of people using that software, especially with Gleason being like that.

re: Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@Alex woah, wtf? I had absolutely no idea -- thank you for pointing this out

re: Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@Alex yep, and even Akkoma doesn't seem to improve much on it, still listing freeze peach instances on their recommended list...

re: Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@f0x @Alex i did think their "we're forking pleroma" blog post was awfully lib-shit

Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@Alex @vfrmedia that’s why there’s now a fork (Akkoma)

Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@ciaby @vfrmedia @Alex ahhhhhh. THAT's what that is?

We really do need a more lightweight server implementation.

@Alex this is the reason I'm following the gotosocial ( development eagerly. I do want light weight, but without so many Nazis.

Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@Alex to be honest, the only people who say "feminists are nazis" and "feminazis" are right wing assholes

So jumping from "TERFs are nazis" to those two is pretty weird, because it's from two different camps, but I mean, since when were nazis honest ever in the history of nazis?
And it makes a convincing narrative, for someone who doesn't know.
That's all that matters to him

Also each time I hear "sex based rights", I wonder when they start to argue for "race based rights"

Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@maxine @Alex I've already seen the phrase "sex realism" thrown around by GCs

Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@Alex "and neither does using Gab to express that view" lol

Pleroma TERFs & Nazis Oh, the TERF to Nazi pipeline is remarkably short...

Pleroma TERFs & Nazis 

@Alex @im
Sorry but Gleason is not a Pleroma Dev

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