POV: I follow you, and you're blasting Retweets through the crossposter like a big dummy.

@Alex I will admit that old habits do die hard. I'm curious on your thought on Twitter bridges/relays?

@compuguy Twitter is now fully tolerates hate speech, so I see zero positive value in these bridges/relays. They're going to be one-way by design, so it's not like you can meaningfully interact with relayed Twitter users here anyway.

I'd expect a net negative effect on the Fediverse. I recommend admins find and suspend every relay/bridge they can find.

Mastodon has enough federated users to generate good content without importing content from elsewhere.


@compuguy I will add that I support using alternative frontends like Nitter to link to Twitter content, I just don't want to see it become ActivityPub compliant where relayed content appears on my timeline indistiguishable from organic Fediverse content from real users I can interact with.

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