I think if Mastodon ever adds quote-boosting, consideration should be given to implementing it "inverted" from how Twitter did it.

So more like this: If I wanted to quote-boost something, it should show up however a boost appears (which I think should change, but that's a diff topic), but your comment is attached below it almost like an inline reply. This way the original boosted message is still front and center and your opinion you've attached is secondary.

My thought process here is that might mitigate the urge to boost people you disagree with - since *your* opinion becomes secondary to theirs in the presentation of the boost. Hopefully that would discourage hate-boosting a bit.


@bigzaphod I'm generally anti-quote-post, but I like this idea. Maybe even call it an "endorsed" post, that way people are given an extra layer of deterrent against giving abusive posts more visibility.

The deterrent would be pretty important, as moving the quoted content front-and-center would be even worse if people were still compelled to hate-quote.

This would solve for the "I can't share posts with added context" problem and would make hate-quoting hard to actualize.

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