
If you want to find out where a Mastodon instance is silenced/suspended, you can use this useful Google search string:

<instance domain> inurl:/about/more

where <instance domain> is the root domain of the instance you are checking.

You will get results from instances that have silenced/suspended the instance you are searching for, minus those with strict robot.txt or obfuscated domain names in the block list.

An informal measure of instance quality.

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@Alex masto changed the URL for that to just /about with 4.0

@halcy Thanks for letting me know.

I guess I would revise that to:

<instance name> inurl:/about mastodon

@Alex geez thanks! Turns out my instance is banned by a few other small instances I've never heard about. Especially weird for one with only one user. Must've been bad radiation.

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Mastodon (

This is the Vranas instance.