So it appears Microsoft, GitHub (so M$, twice) and OpenAI are being sued for violating copyright law by reproducing open-source code using AI (GitHub Copilot) without attribution and such.

What do you think about this lawsuit?

Personally, while I do think attribution should be there, they are making too big of a fuzz about it, considering those same people probably got their code from SO or something...



I understand the idea behind AI-assisted coding, and it could be very useful in the long term, but if it is regurgitating existing licensed code verbatim without attribution, it is just a tool for open source license infringement.

Until they can ensure that code is properly attributed, it shouldn't be productized. I firmly expect them to lose these lawsuits.

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@Alex @finlaydag33k

I'm personally more worried about the same thing done to artists (and I'm not one, I'm a dev).

Automated plausibility deniable infringement is the end run of these models.

@MickeyMaousse @finlaydag33k The fact that you can input the names of living artists and have the AI emulate their style is a major issue. These GAN art generators are novel and entertaining, but the industry is very inappropriately pushing for this to be some sort of creator tool, and refusing to discuss how it could constitute infringement.

I view it as extremely unethical, outside of personal entertainment purposes.

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