"I’m not on Mastodon because there’s nobody there, there’s not enough users to make it succeed, my whole community is on Twitter and don’t want to migrate and… hey… I now have a #Bluesky account! Please follow me on Bluesky, it’s very cool, it belongs to a billionaire but is decentralised. Or at least, the billionaire promises us it will be, which is cool."

– Basically every silicon valley pundit


@ploum What's funny is that Jack Dorsey, the billionaire who everyone thinks owns Bluesky, is just on the board of directors, doesn't have an account, and is actively endorsing a Web3 competitor to Bluesky. Bluesky is just a shady for-profit Mastodon wannabe that will never amount to anything in the federated social media space. Now we watch as their own users get angry that federation is coming, even though that was the promise from the beginning.

@Alex @ploum
"Now we watch as their own users get angry that federation is coming, even though that was the promise from the beginning."

It's so funny to me that bluesky users think mastodon/federation is so complicated yet as you said that's exactly what they want to do.

In my personal opinion i don't think they actually will. Decentralization means giving up control. How does a Silicon Valley startup make money by giving away the reigns to its users? I've said it for some time to the people who say Bluesky plans to be federated: I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, it's all talk.

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