A: “Twitter is full of nazis!”
B: “Use Mastodon”
A: “But it’s complicated”
B: “Use Bluesky”
A: “But it’s lacking features”
B: “Use threads”
A: “But it’s lame”

Person A would rather be on a site full of nazis than inconvenience themselves.

#twitter #bluesky #threads #mastodon #socialmedia #leavetwitter


@Roundcat This is one way to think of it, but my take is that all the arguments people make against leaving Twitter are just proxy arguments. The real arguments people don't want to say out loud are:

"I am attached to my follower count and don't want to rebuild"


"I like fighting with people, and this place encourages my brand of toxicity"

On the latter front, Bluesky is booming with bullies and scolds.

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