I'm pretty skeptical of the current hype around "AI" and Generative ML Models. I feel that some people are putting too much trust into them, people are misusing them in unethical ways. We need to be proceeding with cautious optimism for this stuff, and staying educated about it to minimize harm.

But a lot of y'all need to calm down. For every Sci-Fi fan convinced that the Singularity is upon us, there's a scared Luddite demanding that technological development be regulated out of existence...


Deepfakes are an ethical disaster, their harm ranging from humiliating individuals, to spreading disinformation.

Generative language models are blurring human communication in uncomfortable ways.

AI "art" is threatening the livelihood of human artists.

It's a lot to take in.

Despite rumors, AGI/ASI is not on the horizon, but you aren't putting this cat back in the bag either. There is FOSS code out there and it's never going away.

Focus on ethical advocacy over things like panic or fantasy.

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