I confess myself a bit baffled by people who act like "how to interact with ChatGPT" is a useful classroom skill. It's not a word processor or a spreadsheet; it doesn't have documented, well-defined, reproducible behaviors. No, it's not remotely analogous to a calculator. Calculators are built to be *right*, not to sound convincing. It's a bullshit fountain. Stop acting like you're a waterbender making emotive shapes by expressing your will in the medium of liquid bullshit. The lesson one needs about a bullshit fountain is *not to swim in it*.


@bstacey People are embracing the "Artificial Intelligence" of language models the same way Tesla drivers embrace the "Full Self Driving" of driver assist, as it drives them at highway speeds into the side of a semi truck.

@Alex @bstacey only when FSD screws up, you generally find it very quickly. Plenty of people are going to be fed utter bullshit by these language models and not find out until much later - hell, they're likely to argue on the machine's behalf even if it's wrong.

In a way, it's far more pernicious.

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