"Next year, 2023, will be my thirtieth year of Linux on the desktop, and the thirtieth year of being told it’s not possible to use Linux on the desktop, or to only use Linux on the desktop. Some of the people telling me this weren’t born when I started using Linux on the desktop."

blog.liw.fi/posts/2022/goalpos by @liw

#Linux #YearOfTheLinuxDesktop


@neil @liw Next year is my 19th year as a Linux Desktop user.

The only thing that ever kept me using Windows on the side was PC Gaming, but that's not a problem anymore. My Gaming desktop runs Linux, and I have a Steam Deck, and both run everything I need them to.

I swear, the only people still badmouthing the Linux Desktop are people who are afraid of learning a little bit of bash, which quite frankly isn't difficult, and you don't need to use it often if you don't want to.

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