8,478,627 accounts
+3,988 in the last hour
+32,693 in the last day
+191,813 in the last week


@mastodonusercount Oh wow, I guess banning the official Mastodon account, and a bunch of journalists critical of Elon really pushed the needle.

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 8

@boud @mastodonusercount @piccolbo It's only plateauing because it relies on instances.social/ for full functionality, and that site is getting hugged to death right now.

@Alex @piccolbo @nemobis

It seems to me that only the instance list, ~100 new per day currently, comes from instances.social. So most of the numbers of accounts given by @mastodonusercount come from crawling the instances themselves.

My power law fits [1] of the numbers of instances use the instances.social/instances.jso file rather than crawling, so these get lower (older) numbers.

@Alex @piccolbo @nemobis @mastodonusercount

* There are more small instances from 1 to 560 users on 16 Dec compared to 21 Nov; this steepens the power law fit [1].

* From 21 Nov to 16 Dec, we went from three instances in the 56k to 100k range to nine instances: this population of instances *tripled* [1].

@Alex @piccolbo @nemobis @mastodonusercount


* 56k–100k: techhub.social 57535, masto.ai 60446, c.im 61212, mastodon.uno 61337, mastodonapp.uk 63299, universeodon.com 64551, mastodon.sdf.org 65395, pixelfed.social 69862, mastodon.lol 76698

* 100k-178k: gc2.jp 100254, mastodon.world 131153, mas.to 136153, mstdn.social 159803, counter.social 163615, mastodon.online 166758

@Alex @piccolbo @nemobis @mastodonusercount


* 178k-316k: mastodon.cloud 233322, mstdn.jp 299165

* 316k-562k: (none)

* 562k-1M: pawoo.net 794142, mastodon.social 918076

[1] data + code: codeberg.org/boud/fedistats_na (commit c4d47a3)

#MastodonStatistics #FediverseStatistics #BirdsitePurge #MastodonMigration

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