I see a lot of fresh complaints about Mastodon lacking a quote-tweet equivalent, and while I'll admit that there are a couple of agreeable arguments, people are neglecting some important details.

When you reply to someone, your reply will appear in your followers' feeds. If people want to see what you're disagreeing with, they can click and find out.

And if you want to add additional context, just reply and boost the OP. You'll be seen.

Mastodon doesn't need to be a carbon-copy of Twitter.


It doesn't need to be, but it should have... quote toots?

I want the context of the commentary immediately below the damn commentary.
zero clicks.

When I reply to a thread, for instance, I always reply after the last one to keep from strange branching replies -- someone clicking wouldn't get that the context for my reply might be toot 2 of 16.

Unbelievable amount of time and energy wasted not adding the feature.
Just add the damn feature.


@andrej If you're replying to something in a specific post in a thread, that's the post you should be replying to.

I don't see how a "quote toot" feature would improve anything here.


why add unnecessary clicks when the context of the commentary could be immediately proceeding the commentary.

not sure *I'm* the one making things complicated.

@andrej If you are replying to posts down-thread from the post you are actually replying to, I would say that you are the one making things more complicated, and requiring your followers to click/scroll more to see the content you are replying to.

For the record, you might not even see all of the posts in a thread if you don't follow that person. This is a 4-post thread, and you (correctly) responded to the first post in the thread, likely because it was what someone else boosted.

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