Hot-takes on how "bad" fedi is by people who joined a week ago remind me of this seminal piece of deep insight:

> Six reasons Mastodon won't survive

It was published 5.5 years ago (and counting). :blobcat3c:


@rysiek Amazing that they thought that splitting the Fediverse into a bunch of independently run communities is "siloing".

That's the exact opposite!

· · Web · 2 · 1 · 18


war is peace
freedom is slavery
fedi is siloing

Clearly someone took the "ignorance is strength" bit a tad too much to heart… :blobsmirk:

@Alex @rysiek social media should be monolithic and automatically promote his largesse to everyone so they know how important he is. Obviously only a commercial company can/will do this (which is largely true).

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This is the Vranas instance.