All these new servers/users/followers are filling my poor little single-user instance up with data fast. There's so many of you!

Already knocked myself offline trying to move everything to S3, and failing at it.

I know what I did wrong, so I'll be trying again later today after sanity checking my process.

I can only imagine what it must be like to run a big instance. o7 to the community admins out there. Thank you for your service.

@Alex I recently moved my file store to S3 - found a pretty good explainer. Need a link?

@kevin Yes please! I've been following the cybrespace instructions, but I ran into a URL caveat.

Though it might because I am using DigitalOcean Spaces (S3-compliant).

The guide I am using:

@Alex oh that's the exact guide I used!

What URL caveat have you run into?


@kevin After migrating all my data, I found that the files are expected to be stored in


instead of just


No idea why, but moving all 150k files one directory deeper kept failing, so I restored from the snapshot I took before I made changes, and plan to start over from scratch with that caveat in mind.

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@Alex Mine are not under, they're in the root folder.

I used the single s3cmd in the cybrespace instructions and didn't try to create multiple threads processing the copy

@kevin Weird... I wonder why I had different results?

@Alex No idea. Is the Mastodon app actually seeking them in the /bucket/ structure and 404ing?

@Alex though I see you're on 3.4.7, and I'm on 4.0.0rc2, maybe that's another difference

@kevin Yeah, I migrated all my files to the root the way the docs said to, and after changing my config and restarting the service, all the images were broken because they contained the bucket name as the parent folder.

Doing a right-click, Open Image, and removing the bucket name from the directory tree took me to the appropriate files.

My next worry is that new files are going to end up in the root and further break things when I try again.

@Alex very odd. There's nowhere in the instructions where it says to add in the bucket name as a folder, so I wonder if it's an app thing? Maybe it's coded in the ruby.

@Alex Don't know if you're still working on this - I found a bug report identical to yours on Github:

@kevin nice! Thanks!

I've migrated to S3 for simplicity. Might give Spaces another go sometime in the future if the flat pricing ends up more attractive than AWS pricing.

Glad to understand how to Alias. Plan to use my own domain eventually, so I'll need it.

@Alex That may be a difference with the DO spaces, perhaps. I used AWS of course, because I wanted to try using it...maybe that's the difference

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